"I never met a Manolo I didn't like." - Kittie France

"You can never have enough hats, gloves and shoes." - Patsy Stone

"I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty." - Imelda Marcos

"I never met a Manolo I didn't like." - Kittie France

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 59 - Windsor knot

Very theatrical Sergio Rossi crimson and cream heels at Melbourne's historic Windsor Hotel, accompanied by L'Artisan Parfumeur's Premier Figuier Extreme. The cream strap is semi-rigid and winds around the ankle like a snake. Oh how we shoe-fanciers must suffer! These shoes, spectacular as they are, are bloody hard to walk in.


  1. So dramatic and elegant! These are stunning, Kittie. Love that red.

  2. It's a perfectly proportioned shoe, I think. Perfect toe cleavage. And the rug is beautiful. Nice shot. Mr Toorak shooting? Or a Kiwi?

  3. Thanks. No, the photographer was Leopard. The occasion was high tea.

  4. Kittie, you have proved your worth in these masterpieces! How you stayed balanced enjoying high tea at the Windsor I don't know!
